

Special Issue: Advances on Fundamental Problems in Control Systems


   《系统科学与复杂性(英文版)》编委、加拿大滑铁卢大学谢亮亮教授和中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院系统科学研究所所长张纪峰研究员联合约稿,组织了“Advances on Fundamental Problems in Control Systems”专辑,于2021年第5期刊出。该专辑包括了系统控制领域众多国内外著名学者的最新研究成果,如瑞典皇家科学院院士、美国工程院外籍院士Lennart Ljung教授,美国工程院外籍院士、澳大利亚科学院院士Brian D.O.Anderson教授,美国工程院院士、欧洲科学院院士Tamer Ba?ar教授,中国工程院院士陈杰教授,以及多位IEEE Fellow, IFAC Fellow等。





1. Ljung L. Revisiting total model errors and model validation. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1598-1603.


2. Anderson B D O, Ye M B. Mathematical models of self-appraisal in social networks. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1604-1633.


3. Ba?ar T. Robust designs through risk sensitivity: An overview. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1634-1665.


4. Cheng D Z, Wu Y H, Zhao G D, Fu S H. A comprehensive survey on STP approach to finite games. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1666-1680.


5. Chen S H, Devraj A, Berstein A, Meyn S. Revisiting the ODE method for recursive algorithms:  Fast convergence using quasi stochastic approximation. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1681-1702.


6. Yin G, Wen Z X, Qian H J, Nguyen H. Numerical solutions for optimal control of stochastic Kolmogorov systems. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1703-1722.


7. Xiao W, Cassandras G C, Belta C. Safety-critical optimal control for autonomous systems. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1723-1742.


8. Liu W, Huang J. Sampled-data semi-global robust output regulation for a class of nonlinear systems. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1743-1765.


9. Xie S Y, Wang L Y. Adaptive optimization with periodic dither signals. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1766-1781.


10. Li W Q, Krstic M. Prescribed-time control of stochastic nonlinear systems with reduced control effort. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1782-1800.


11. Louren?o I, Mattila R, Rojas C R, Hu X M, Wahlberg B. Hidden Markov models: Inverse filtering, belief estimation and privacy protection. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1801-1820.


12. Qiu L, Chen W, Wang D. New phase of phase. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1821-1839.


13. Li Y B, Wahlberg B, Hu X M. Identifiability and solvability in inverse linear quadratic optimal

control problems. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1840-1857.


14. Qi T, Chen J. Stabilization of continuous-time systems against stochastic network uncertainties: Fundamental variance bounds. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1858-1878.


15. Arici G, Campi M C, Carè A, Dalai M, Ramponi F A. A theory of the risk for empirical CVaR with application to portfolio selection. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1879-1894.


16. Wang H X, Zhang H S, Xie L H. Optimal control and stabilization for It? systems with input delay. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1895-1926.


17. Ma X Y, Yi P, Chen J. Distributed gradient tracking methods with finite data rates. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1927-1952.


18. Liu T F, Zhang P P, Wang M X, Jiang Z P. New results in stabilization of uncertain nonholonomic systems: An event-triggered control approach. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1953-1972.


19. Chen F, Ren W. Multi-agent control: A graph-theoretic perspective. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 1973-2002.


20. Huang M Y, Yang X W. Linear quadratic mean field games: Decentralized $O(1/N)$-Nash equilibria. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 2003-2035.


21. Xie L L. Biological systems: Reliable functions out of randomness. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 2036-2047.


22. Wang Y, Zhao Y L, Zhang J F. Distributed recursive projection identification with binary-valued observations. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(5): 2048-2068.

Pubdate: 2021-10-25    Viewed: 861