
25 February 2025, Volume 38 Issue 1

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  • HUANG Minyi, ZHANG Ji-feng
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 1-2.
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  • DAI Ruifen, WANG Fang, GUO Lei
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 3-20.
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    With the development and applications of the Smart Court System (SCS) in China, the reliability and accuracy of legal artificial intelligence have become focal points in recent years. Notably, criminal sentencing prediction, a significant component of the SCS, has also garnered widespread attention. According to the Chinese criminal law, actual sentencing data exhibits a saturated property due to statutory penalty ranges, but this mechanism has been ignored by most existing studies. Given this, the authors propose a sentencing prediction model that combines judicial sentencing mechanisms including saturated outputs and floating boundaries with neural networks. Building on the saturated structure of our model, a more effective adaptive prediction algorithm will be constructed based on the fusion of several key ideas and techniques that include the utilization of the $L_1$ loss together with the corresponding gradient update strategy, a data pre-processing method based on large language model to extract semantically complex sentencing elements using prior legal knowledge, the choice of appropriate initial conditions for the learning algorithm and the construction of a double-hidden-layer network structure. An empirical study on the crime of disguising or concealing proceeds of crime demonstrates that our method can achieve superior sentencing prediction accuracy and significantly outperform common baseline methods.
  • DUNCAN Tyrone E., PASIK-DUNCAN Bozenna
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 21-26.
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    Rosenblatt and Rosenblatt-Volterra processes are two families of stochastic processes that are described by double Wiener-Itô integrals with singular kernels. The Rosenblatt processes have exponential singular kernels and the Rosenblatt-Volterra processes have singular Volterra kernels for the Wiener-Itô integrals. Empirical evidence shows that for many control systems the assumption of Gaussian noise is not appropriate so Rosenblatt and Rosenblatt-Volterra processes are some generalizations of Gaussian processes that can provide natural alternatives to Gaussian probability laws. Furthermore, the results for Rosenblatt and Rosenblatt-Volterra processes are tractable for some applications. These results can be compared to prediction for Gaussian processes and Gauss-Volterra processes.
  • JIAO Xiaopei, YAU Stephen Shing-Toung
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 27-78.
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    Ever since Brockett and Clark (1980), Brockett (1981) and Mitter (1980) introduced the estimation algebra method, it becomes a powerful tool to classify finite-dimensional filtering systems. In this paper, the authors investigate estimation algebra on state dimension $n$ and linear rank $n-1$, especially the case of $n=4$. Mitter conjecture is always a key question on classification of estimation algebra. A weak form of Mitter conjecture states that observation functions in finite dimensional filters are affine functions. In this paper, the authors shall focus on the weak form of Mitter conjecture. In the first part, it will be shown that partially constant structure of $\varOmega$ is a sufficient condition for weak form Mitter conjecture to be true. In the second part, the authors shall prove partially constant structure of $\varOmega$ for $n = 4$ which implies the weak form Mitter conjecture for this case.
  • SUN Zeju, YAU Stephen Shing-Toung
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 79-97.
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    The McKean-Vlasov filtering problem is a special kind of filtering problem, with the state and/or observation processes governed by McKean-Vlasov stochastic differential equations, which has extensive applications in various scenarios. In this paper, the authors will propose a novel numerical algorithm to solve the McKean-Vlasov filtering problem based on the Hermite spectral method under the framework of Yau-Yau algorithm. As the first approach to numerically solving the Duncan-Mortensen-Zakai equation associated with the McKean-Vlasov filtering problem, the proposed algorithm can provide accurate estimations of the conditional expectation and conditional probability density of the state process with a reasonable online computational complexity. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is verified both theoretically and numerically in this paper.
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 98-128.
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    The authors consider the problem of reaching consensus over a communication network via asynchronous interaction between pairs of agents. A well-known method is the linear gossip algorithm due to Tsitsiklis (1984). Extension of this, allowing the selection of a strictly stationary sequence of communicating pairs, was given in Picci and Taylor (2013). Extension of the linear gossip algorithm to directed communication networks, retaining the linear dynamics, was proposed by Cai and Ishii (2012), later extended by Silvestre, et al. (2018). A definite novelty of these algorithms is that $L_2$-convergence with exponential rate can be established. The authors attend the above issues, extending the result of Picci and Taylor (2013) motivated by features of algorithms for directed networks. The authors present and discuss the algorithm of Silvestre, et al. (2018), together with systematic simulation results based on 5M randomly chosen parameter settings. The core of the proposed mathematical technology is a set of simple observations, presented with a tutorial aspect, by which the authors can conveniently establish various results on the almost sure convergence of products of strictly stationary sequences of matrices to a rank-1 matrix.
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 129-149.
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    Evanescent random walks are instances of stochastic processes that terminate at a specific rate. They have proved relevant in modeling diverse behaviors of complex systems from protein degradation in gene networks (Ali and Brewster (2022), Ghusinga, et al. (2017), and Ham, et al. (2024)) and "nonprocessive" motor proteins (Kolomeisky and Fisher (2007)) to decay of diffusive radioactive matter (Zoia (2008)). The present work aims to extend a well-established estimation and control problem, the so-called Schrödinger's bridge problem, to evanescent diffusion processes. Specifically, the authors seek the most likely law on the path space that restores consistency with two marginal densities—One is the initial probability density of the flow, and the other is a density of killed particles. The Schrödinger's bridge problem can be interpreted as an estimation problem but also as a control problem to steer the stochastic particles so as to match specified marginals. The focus of previous work in Eldesoukey, et al. (2024) has been to tackle Schrödinger's problem involving a constraint on the spatio-temporal density of killed particles, which the authors revisit here. The authors then expand on two related problems that instead separately constrain the temporal and the spatial marginal densities of killed particles. The authors derive corresponding Schrödinger systems that contain coupled partial differential equations that solve such problems. The authors also discuss Fortet-Sinkhorn-like algorithms that can be used to construct the sought bridges numerically.
  • RITSUKA K., LIN Feng, LAFORTUNE Stéphane, WANG Caisheng
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 150-177.
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    The authors consider the property of detectability of discrete event systems in the presence of sensor attacks in the context of cyber-security. The authors model the system using an automaton and study the general notion of detectability where a given set of state pairs needs to be (eventually or periodically) distinguished in any estimate of the state of the system. The authors adopt the ALTER sensor attack model from previous work and formulate four notions of CA-detectability in the context of this attack model based on the following attributes: strong or weak; eventual or periodic. The authors present verification methods for strong CA-detectability and weak CA-detectability. The authors present definitions of strong and weak periodic CA-detectability that are based on the construction of a verifier automaton called the augmented CA-observer. The development also resulted in relaxing assumptions in prior results on D-detectability, which is a special case of CA-detectability.
  • MATSUI Shoma, RUDIE Karen, CAI Kai
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 178-209.
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    This paper investigates a security problem of simultaneously addressing two types of attacks: Eavesdropping and infiltration. The authors model the target system as a discrete-event system (DES) with subsets of concealable events and protectable events, in order to make the proposed methodology applicable to various practical systems and employ two existing works of DES security: Degree of opacity and state protection. Specifically, the authors consider that all protectable events are observable, and some observable events are concealable. In addition, protectable events cannot be protected once they are concealed. Given such a constraint, the goal is to figure out which events to conceal and which transitions to protect so that the prescribed requirements of degree of opacity and state protection are satisfied. In this work the authors decide which events to conceal as all transitions of a given event label are concealed or not concealed. The proposed problem formulation also requires a solution to only involve absolutely necessary protectable events in order for the system to avoid superfluous protection costs. The authors first examine a general version of our security problem with an intuitive algorithm to compute acceptable solutions, and then present a special version which results in a reduced computation time compared to the general version.
  • AFSHARI Mohammad, MAHAJAN Aditya
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 210-237.
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    In this paper, the authors revisit decentralized control of linear quadratic (LQ) systems. Instead of imposing an assumption that the process and observation noises are Gaussian, the authors assume that the controllers are restricted to be linear. The authors show that the multiple decentralized control models, the form of the best linear controllers is identical to the optimal controllers obtained under the Gaussian noise assumption. The main contribution of the paper is the solution technique. Traditionally, optimal controllers for decentralized LQ systems are identified using dynamic programming, maximum principle, or spectral decomposition. The authors present an alternative approach which is based by combining elementary building blocks from linear systems, namely, completion of squares, state splitting, static reduction, orthogonal projection, (conditional) independence of state processes, and decentralized estimation.
  • KARA Ali Devran, BAYRAKTAR Erhan, YÜKSEL Serdar
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 238-270.
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    The authors study an approximation method for partially observed Markov decision processes (POMDPs) with continuous spaces. Belief MDP reduction, which has been the standard approach to study POMDPs requires rigorous approximation methods for practical applications, due to the state space being lifted to the space of probability measures. Generalizing recent work, in this paper the authors present rigorous approximation methods via discretizing the observation space and constructing a fully observed finite MDP model using a finite length history of the discrete observations and control actions. The authors show that the resulting policy is near-optimal under some regularity assumptions on the channel, and under certain controlled filter stability requirements for the hidden state process. The authors also provide a Q learning algorithm that uses a finite memory of discretized information variables, and prove its convergence to the optimality equation of the finite fully observed MDP constructed using the approximation method.
  • CHARALAMBOUS Charalambos D., LOUKA Stelios
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 271-312.
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    In this paper the authors consider the operational problem of optimal signalling and control, called control-coding capacity (with feedback), $C_{FB}$ in bits/second, of discrete-time nonlinear partially observable stochastic systems in state space form, subject to an average cost constraint. $C_{FB}$ is the maximum rate of encoding signals or messages into randomized controller-encoder strategies with feedback, which control the state of the system, and reproducing the messages at the output of the system using a decoder or estimator with arbitrary small asymptotic error probability. In the first part of the paper, the authors characterize $C_{FB}$ by an information theoretic optimization problem of maximizing directed information from the inputs to the outputs of the system, over randomized strategies (controller-encoders). The authors derive equivalent characterizations of $C_{FB}$, using randomized strategies generated by either uniform or arbitrary distributed random variables (RVs), sufficient statistics, and a posteriori distributions of nonlinear filtering theory. In the second part of the paper, the authors analyze $C_{FB}$ for linear-quadratic Gaussian partially observable stochastic systems (LQG-POSSs). The authors show that randomized strategies consist of control, estimation and signalling parts, and the sufficient statistics are, two Kalman-filters and an orthogonal innovations process. The authors prove a semi-separation principle which states, the optimal control strategy is determined explicitly from the solution of a control matrix difference Riccati equation (DRE), independently of the estimation and signalling strategies. Finally, the authors express the optimization problem of $C_{FB}$ in terms of two filtering matrix DREs, a control matrix DRE, and the covariance of the innovations process. Throughout the paper, the authors illustrate that the expression of $C_{FB}$ includes as degenerate cases, problems of stochastic optimal control and channel capacity of information transmission.
  • MEHTA Prashant, MEYN Sean
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 313-337.
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    The broad goal of the research surveyed in this article is to develop methods for understanding the aggregate behavior of interconnected dynamical systems, as found in mathematical physics, neuroscience, economics, power systems and neural networks. Questions concern prediction of emergent (often unanticipated) phenomena, methods to formulate distributed control schemes to influence this behavior, and these topics prompt many other questions in the domain of learning. The area of mean field games, pioneered by Peter Caines, are well suited to addressing these topics. The approach is surveyed in the present paper within the context of controlled coupled oscillators.
  • SOLO Victor
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 338-348.
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    Driven partly by cyber-security issues there is growing interest in modelling epidemics on networks. However it turns out that there are some gaps in the formulation of these network models that have precluded a proper study of stochastic fluctuations. The author revisits some popular models, rectify their shortcomings and then develops an asymptotic analysis of their behaviour.
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 349-368.
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    In order to steer the population distribution of a large number of agents interacting over a large-scale complex network towards a set of desired probability distributions for each sub-population, an approximate control scheme is proposed and developed by the use of Graphon Mean Field theory and Convex Duality Optimal Control. For a general class of multi-agent nonlinear systems interacting over large networks, the original problem for a finite population over a finite network is reformulated as an optimal control problem for an infinite population over an infinite network by letting the number of nodes in the graph and the number of agents within each cluster approach infinity. Subsequently, the associated control problem for the graphon limit system is reformulated as a linear program over the space of Radon measures and is solved using the duality relationship between the space of measures and that of continuous functions. A numerical example of a network with randomly sampled weightings is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the graphon control probability assignment methodology.
  • HE Xiongnan, HUANG Jie
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 369-389.
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    In this paper, the authors study the problem of distributed Nash equilibrium seeking of $N$-player games with high-order integrator dynamics subject to disturbances generated by an uncertain exosystem. Similar problems have been studied for disturbances with an exactly known exosystem. Compared with the existing results of high-order integrator dynamics, which can only handle sinusoidal disturbances with known frequencies, this paper aims to handle multi-tone disturbances with unknown frequencies by introducing an adaptive control technique to estimate the unknown frequencies. Technically, when the exosystem is known, the disturbance can be dealt with by the Luenburger observer. In contrast, the Luenburger observer cannot deal with an uncertain exosystem. The authors combine the internal model design and some adaptive control technique to solve the proposed problem. Further, the authors also establish the sufficient condition to guarantee the convergence of the estimated unknown frequencies to the actual values of these frequencies. Two examples are given to verify the proposed algorithm.
  • JIANG Xiushan, HO Daniel. W. C., ZHANG Weihai
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 390-420.
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    This paper reviews the mean field social (MFS) optimal control problem for multi-agent dynamic systems and the mean-field-type (MFT) optimal control problem for single-agent dynamic systems within the linear quadratic (LQ) framework. For the MFS control problem, this review discusses the existing conclusions on optimization in dynamic systems affected by both additive and multiplicative noises. In exploring MFT optimization, the authors first revisit researches associated with single-player systems constrained by these dynamics. The authors then extend the proposed review to scenarios that include multiple players engaged in Nash games, Stackelberg games, and cooperative Pareto games. Finally, the paper concludes by emphasizing future research on intelligent algorithms for mean field optimization, particularly using reinforcement learning method to design strategies for models with unknown parameters.
  • GUO Liangyuan, WANG Bing-Chang, ZHANG Ji-Feng
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 421-435.
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    This paper considers the value iteration algorithms of stochastic zero-sum linear quadratic games with unkown dynamics. On-policy and off-policy learning algorithms are developed to solve the stochastic zero-sum games, where the system dynamics is not required. By analyzing the value function iterations, the convergence of the model-based algorithm is shown. The equivalence of several types of value iteration algorithms is established. The effectiveness of model-free algorithms is demonstrated by a numerical example.
  • WANG Yu, HUANG Minyi
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 436-459.
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    This paper considers risk-sensitive linear-quadratic mean-field games. By the so-called direct approach via dynamic programming, the authors determine the feedback Nash equilibrium in an $N$-player game. Subsequently, the authors design a set of decentralized strategies by passing to the mean-field limit. The authors prove that the set of decentralized strategies constitutes an $O(1/N)$-Nash equilibrium when applied by the $N$ players, and hence obtain so far the tightest equilibrium error bounds for this class of models.
  • CHANG Yuanyuan, FIROOZI Dena, BENATIA David
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 460-494.
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    This paper presents a dynamic game framework to analyze the role of large banks in interbank markets. By extending existing models, a large bank is incorporated as a dynamic decision-maker interacting with multiple small banks. Using the mean-field game methodology and convex analysis, best-response trading strategies are derived, leading to an approximate equilibrium for the interbank market. The influence of the large bank is investigated on the market stability by examining individual default probabilities and systemic risk, through the use of Monte Carlo simulations. The proposed findings reveal that, when the size of the major bank is not excessively large, it can positively contribute to market stability. However, there is also the potential for negative spillover effects in the event of default, leading to an increase in systemic risk. The magnitude of this impact is further influenced by the size and trading rate of the major bank. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the management of systemic risk in interbank markets.
  • GAO Shuang, MALHAMÉ Roland P.
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2025, 38(1): 495-510.
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    This paper studies a class of linear quadratic mean field games where the coefficients of quadratic cost functions depend on both the mean and the variance of the population's state distribution through its quantile function. Such a formulation allows for modelling agents that are sensitive to not only the population average but also the population variance. The potential mean field game equilibria are identified. Their calculation involves solving two nonlinearly coupled differential equations: one is a Riccati equation and the other the variance evolution equation. Sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a mean field equilibrium are established. Finally, numerical results are presented to illustrate the behavior of two coupled differential equations and the performance of the mean field game solution.