
25 October 2024, Volume 37 Issue 5

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  • CHEN Luefeng, LIU Xiao, WU Min, LU Chengda, PEDRYCZ Witold, HIROTA Kaoru
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 1789-1808.
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    In the process of coal mine drilling, controlling the rotary speed is important as it determines the efficiency and safety of drilling. In this paper, a linear extended state observer (LESO) based backstepping controller for rotary speed is proposed, which can overcome the impact of changes in coal seam hardness on rotary speed. Firstly, the influence of coal seam hardness on the drilling rig's rotary system is considered for the first time, which is reflected in the numerical variation of load torque, and a dynamic model for the design of rotary speed controller is established. Then an LESO is designed to observe the load torque, and feedforward compensation is carried out to overcome the influence of coal seam hardness. Based on the model of the compensated system, a backstepping method is used to design a controller to achieve tracking control of the rotary speed. Finally, the effectiveness of the controller designed in this paper is demonstrated through simulation and field experiments, the steady-state error of the rotary speed in field is 1 r/min, and the overshoot is reduced to 5.8$%$. This greatly improves the stability and security, which is exactly what the drilling process requires.
  • GAO Jinming, WANG Yijing, ZUO Zhiqiang, ZHANG Wentao
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 1809-1831.
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    This paper studies the periodic zero-dynamics attacks (ZDAs) in multi-agent systems without velocity measurements under directed graph. Specifically, two types of attack modes are addressed, i.e., infinite number and finite number of zero-dynamics attacks. For the former case, the authors show that the consensus of the considered system cannot be guaranteed. For the latter case, the dynamic evolution of the agents is investigated and it is found that only attacking the rooted agents can destroy the consensus. Then, a sufficient condition which quantifies whether or not the consensus value is destroyed is given, revealing the relationship among parameters of system model, filter and attack signal. Finally, simulations are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the theoretical findings.
  • ZHANG Xiaoyan, WANG Ying, XUE Wenchao, ZHAO Yanlong
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 1832-1860.
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    This paper focuses on the state estimate for a class of systems with both process noise and measurement noise under binary-valued observations, in which the Gaussian assumption on the predicted density of the state is not required. A recursive projected filter algorithm with time-varying thresholds is constructed to estimate the state under binary-valued observations. The time-varying thresholds are designed as the prediction value of the measurement, which can provide more information about the system state. The convergence property is established with some suitable stability, boundedness and observability conditions. In particular, the estimation error between state and estimate is proved to be asymptotically bounded in the mean-square sense, whose upper bound is related to the variance of process noise. Finally, the theoretical results are demonstrated via numerical examples of first-order and high-order systems.
  • YE Lingjuan, YANG Liwen, XIA Yuanqing, ZHAN Yufeng, ZHAO Xinchao
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 1861-1886.
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    In cloud control systems, generating an efficient and economical workflow scheduling strategy for deadline-constrained workflow applications, especially in uncertain multi-workflow dynamic scheduling processes, is a crucial challenge. To optimize the total cost of workflow scheduling, the authors propose a cost-driven heuristic scheduling algorithm F-MWSA which consists of two phases: Fuzzy deadline distribution and fuzzy task scheduling. In the fuzzy deadline distribution phase, a new workflow deadline distribution strategy with fuzziness is designed to obtain the sub-deadline constraint of each task. The fuzzy task scheduling phase focuses on a cost-effective strategy to assign tasks to cloud resources, reducing multi-workflow scheduling costs. Performance evaluations on five real-world workflows demonstrate that the proposed F-MWSA outperforms the baseline policy in terms of total cost, success ratio, resource utilization, and makespan.
  • WANG Jinghan, SHI Yufeng, ZHAO Nana
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 1887-1906.
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    In this paper, the authors study a class of general mean-field BDSDEs whose coefficients satisfy some stochastic conditions. Specifically, the authors prove the existence and uniqueness theorem of solution under stochastic Lipschitz condition and obtain the related comparison theorem. Besides, the authors further relax the conditions and deduce the existence theorem of solutions under stochastic linear growth and continuous conditions, and the authors also prove the associated comparison theorem. Finally, an asset pricing problem is discussed, which demonstrates the application of the general mean-field BDSDEs in finance.
  • ZHANG Bao-Qiang, WANG Bing-Chang, CAO Ying
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 1907-1922.
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    In this paper, the authors design a reinforcement learning algorithm to solve the adaptive linear-quadratic stochastic $n$-players non-zero sum differential game with completely unknown dynamics. For each player, a critic network is used to estimate the Q-function, and an actor network is used to estimate the control input. A model-free online Q-learning algorithm is obtained for solving this kind of problems. It is proved that under some mild conditions the system state and weight estimation errors can be uniformly ultimately bounded. A simulation with five players is given to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm.
  • GE Zhaoqiang
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 1923-1936.
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    In this paper, the approximate controllability of semilinear integrodifferential degenerate Sobolev equations with nonlocal conditions is investigated in the sense of integral solution in Hilbert spaces. Some sufficient and necessary conditions are obtained. Firstly, the existence and uniqueness of integral solutions of semilinear integrodifferential degenerate Sobolev equations with nonlocal conditions are considered by GE-evolution operator theory and Sadovskii's fixed point theorem, the existence and uniqueness theorem of solutions is given. Secondly, the approximate controllability of semilinear integrodifferential degenerate Sobolev equations with nonlocal conditions is studied in the sense of integral solution. The criterion for approximate controllability is provided. The obtained results have important theoretical and practical value for the study of controllability of semilinear integrodifferential degenerate Sobolev equations with nonlocal conditions.
  • HAO Ning, HE Fenghua, YAO Yu
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 1937-1955.
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    This paper investigates the problem of cooperative localization (CL) for a multi-robot system (MRS) under dynamic measurement topology, which involves a group of robots collectively estimating their poses with respect to a common reference frame using ego-motion measurements and robot-to-robot relative measurements. The authors provide a theoretical analysis of the time-varying unobservable subspace and propose a consistent cooperative localization algorithm. First, the authors introduce the relative measurement graph (RMG) to represent the relative pose measurements obtained by the MRS at each instant. Then, the authors derive the local observability matrix over a time interval. An equivalent relationship is established between the local observability matrix and the spectral matrices of the RMG. Moreover, the authors present a method for constructing the unobservable subspace based on the RMG under different topology conditions. Based on this analysis, the authors design a consistent cooperative localization algorithm that satisfies the constraints of the time-varying unobservable subspace. An analytical optimal solution is derived for the constrained optimization problem. Monte Carlo numerical simulations are conducted to demonstrate the consistency and accuracy of the proposed method.
  • SHE Xuehua, MA Hui, REN Hongru, LI Hongyi
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 1956-1977.
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    This paper discusses the uncooperative target tracking control problem for the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) under the performance constraint and scaled relative velocity constraint, in which the states of the uncooperative target can only be estimated through a vision sensor. Considering the limited detection range, a prescribed performance function is designed to ensure the transient and steady-state performances of the tracking system. Meanwhile, the scaled relative velocity constraint in the dynamic phase is taken into account, and a time-varying nonlinear transformation is used to solve the constraint problem, which not only overcomes the feasibility condition but also fails to violate the constraint boundaries. Finally, the practically prescribed-time stability technique is incorporated into the controller design procedure to guarantee that all signals within the closed-loop system are bounded. It is proved that the UAV can follow the uncooperative target at the desired relative position within a prescribed time, thereby improving the applicability of the vision-based tracking approach. Simulation results have been presented to prove the validity of the proposed control strategy.
  • HAN Ning, GE Bin, LI Lin
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 1978-1994.
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    In this paper, the flocking behavior of a Cucker-Smale model with a leader and noise is studied in a finite time. The authors present a Cucker-Smale system with two nonlinear controls for a complex network with stochastic synchronization in probability. Based on the finite-time stability theory of stochastic differential equations, the sufficient conditions for the flocking of stochastic systems in a finite time are obtained by using the Lyapunov function method. Finally, the numerical simulation of the particle system is carried out for the leader and noise, and the correctness of the results is verified.
  • SHANG Juan, MO Lipo, MI Rongxin, CAO Xianbing
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 1995-2020.
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    This paper investigates region tracking and perimeter surveillance of second-order multi-agent systems, where all agents move within a star-shaped set. First, by coordination transformations, the region tracking problem is converted from the star-shaped sets to a circular region. The authors employ communication and collaboration to complete region tracking and perimeter surveillance tasks, and then revert back to the star-shaped set by using inverse transformations. Second, the authors propose a distributed control strategy based on attractive and interaction potential functions, under which all agents can quickly track a given circular region and move around the perimeter. Finally, the authors validate the effectiveness and performance advantages of the proposed method through simulation experiments.
  • NI Xuanming, ZHENG Tiantian, GAO Feng, ZHAO Huimin
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 2021-2053.
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    Government-sponsored venture capital (GVC) has been used to support financially constrained start-ups as an important policy tool in China. Typically, to motivate the social capital to invest in start-ups, GVC provides subsidies for them to bridge the funding gap in the early-stage venture capital market. However, the effect and mechanism of GVC affecting social capital investment have not been clearly studied. In this paper, the authors not only develop a game model to analyze this issue in theory, but conduct an empirical study by analyzing the 14741 records matched by propensity score matching (PSM) of Chinese venture capital market data from 2011 to 2021. The proposed findings are as the follows. Firstly, the subsidies offered by GVC will simultaneously increase the returns and risks of investments in start-ups of social capital with more volatile incentive effect of GVC. The incentive effect of GVC is only effective when the returns resulting from the subsidies outweigh the risks they introduce. In the context of the Chinese venture capital market, the incentive effect of GVC is effective. Secondly, the incentive effect of GVC is more pronounced in high-tech industries, which can be attributed to the signaling effect facilitated by GVC. In this context, the subsidy mainly helps social capital to bear the costs associated with screening potential investments. Thirdly, the incentive effect of GVC is more significant in underdeveloped venture capital markets, which can be explained by the "virtuous cycle" effect, in which GVC plays a pioneering role in establishing a more robust early-stage market trading system. By examining these three points, this study contributes to a better understanding of how GVC can effectively guide social capital investment, especially in the Chinese landscape.
  • WENG Wuyan, CHU Chengbin, WU Peng
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 2054-2070.
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    This paper investigates a new resource-allocation problem involving multi-resource operations, where completing an operation requires simultaneous use of multiple (renewable) resources, probably of different types. The goal of the study is to provide a solution method that minimizes the makespan. The authors formulate the problem into a novel mixed-integer linear program (MILP) model. To efficiently solve practical-sized instances, an exact Benders decomposition algorithm is developed. This algorithm divides the original problem into a master problem of allocating resources and a subproblem of calculating the makespan, and both are linked via Benders cuts. The convergence is sped up by improving the mathematical model and embedding the variable neighborhood search algorithm. Compared with CPLEX, a commonly used MILP solver, the computational results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm provides tighter upper and lower bounds in most instances. In particular, compared with CPLEX, the proposed method can on average improve the upper and lower bounds by 4.76% and 4.39%, respectively, in solving practical-sized instances.
  • XING Kai, LI Shang, YANG Xiaoguang
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 2071-2103.
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    Using an unbalanced panel data covering 75 countries from 1991 to 2019, the authors explore how the political risk impacts on food reserve ratio. The empirical findings show that an increasing political risk negatively affects food reserve ratio, and the same effects hold for both internal risk and external risk. Moreover, the authors find that the increasing external or internal risks both negatively affect food production and food exports, but external risk does not significantly impact food imports and it positively impacts food consumption, while internal risk negatively impacts food imports and food consumption. The results suggest that most governments have difficulty raising subsequent food reserve ratios in face of an increasing political risk, no matter if it is an internal risk or an external risk although the mechanisms behind the impacts are different.
  • ZOU Jiahui
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 2104-2131.
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    The dissemination of news is a vital topic in management science, social science and data science. With the development of technology, the sample sizes and dimensions of digital news data increase remarkably. To alleviate the computational burden in big data, this paper proposes a method to deal with massive and moderate-dimensional data for linear regression models via combing model averaging and subsampling methodologies. The author first samples a subsample from the full data according to some special probabilities and split covariates into several groups to construct candidate models. Then, the author solves each candidate model and calculates the model-averaging weights to combine these estimators based on this subsample. Additionally, the asymptotic optimality in subsampling form is proved and the way to calculate optimal subsampling probabilities is provided. The author also illustrates the proposed method via simulations, which shows it takes less running time than that of the full data and generates more accurate estimations than uniform subsampling. Finally, the author applies the proposed method to analyze and predict the sharing number of news, and finds the topic, vocabulary and dissemination time are the determinants.
  • FENG Ziheng, ZONG Xianpeng, XIE Tianfa, ZHANG Xinyu
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 2132-2156.
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    In recent years, Kriging model has gained wide popularity in various fields such as space geology, econometrics, and computer experiments. As a result, research on this model has proliferated. In this paper, the authors propose a model averaging estimation based on the best linear unbiased prediction of Kriging model and the leave-one-out cross-validation method, with consideration for the model uncertainty. The authors present a weight selection criterion for the model averaging estimation and provide two theoretical justifications for the proposed method. First, the estimated weight based on the proposed criterion is asymptotically optimal in achieving the lowest possible prediction risk. Second, the proposed method asymptotically assigns all weights to the correctly specified models when the candidate model set includes these models. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through numerical analyses.
  • WU Qiang, TONG Xingwei, DUAN Xiaogang
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 2157-2172.
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    Exclusive hypothesis testing is a new and special class of hypothesis testing. This kind of testing can be applied in survival analysis to understand the association between genomics information and clinical information about the survival time. Besides, it is well known that Cox's proportional hazards model is the most commonly used model for regression analysis of failure time. In this paper, the authors consider doing the exclusive hypothesis testing for Cox's proportional hazards model with right-censored data. The authors propose the comprehensive test statistics to make decision, and show that the corresponding decision rule can control the asymptotic Type I errors and have good powers in theory. The numerical studies indicate that the proposed approach works well for practical situations and it is applied to a set of real data arising from Rotterdam Breast Cancer Data study that motivated this study.
  • LI Meiqi, JIN Baisuo
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 2173-2195.
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    Negative binomial regression is a powerful technique for modeling count data, particularly when dealing with overdispersion. However, estimating the parameters for large-dimensional sparse models is challenging due to the complexity of optimizing the mean and dispersion parameter of the negative binomial distribution. To address this issue, the authors propose a novel approach that employs two iterations of the majorize-minimize (MM) algorithm, one for estimating the dispersion parameter and the other for estimating the mean parameters. These approaches improve the convergence speed and stability of the algorithm. The authors also use group penalty for variable selection, which enhances the accuracy and efficiency of the algorithm. The proposed method provides an explicit solution, simplifies the iteration process, and maintains good stability while ensuring algorithm convergence. Furthermore, the authors apply the proposed algorithm to the zero-inflated model and demonstrate its promising predictive performance on specific data sets. The research has important implications for count data modeling and analysis in various fields, such as data mining, machine learning, and bioinformatics.
  • SHI Minjia, XU Li, SOLé Patrick
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 2196-2206.
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    Double Toeplitz (shortly DT) codes are introduced here as a generalization of double circulant codes. The authors show that such a code is isodual, hence formally self-dual (FSD). FSD codes form a far-reaching generalization of self-dual codes, the most important class of codes of rate one-half. Self-dual DT codes are characterized as double circulant or double negacirculant. Likewise, even binary DT codes are characterized as double circulant. Numerical examples obtained by exhaustive search show that the codes constructed have best-known minimum distance, up to one unit, amongst formally self-dual codes, and sometimes improve on the known values. For $q=2,$ the authors find four improvements on the best-known values of the minimum distance of FSD codes. Over $\mathbb{F}_4$ an explicit construction of DT codes, based on quadratic residues in a prime field, performs equally well. The authors show that DT codes are asymptotically good over $\mathbb{F}_q$. Specifically, the authors construct DT codes arbitrarily close to the asymptotic Varshamov-Gilbert bound for codes of rate one half.
  • SHAO Wenbing, CHEN Falai
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 2207-2239.
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    Surface/surface intersection is a fundamental problem in Compute Aided Design and Geometric Modeling since it is essential to solid modeling, numerically controlled machining, feature recognition, computer animation, etc. In practical applications, quadric surfaces, which are the most basic type of surfaces, are typically bounded surfaces trimmed by a sequence of planes. In this paper, a robust algorithm is proposed for computing the intersection curve segments of two trimmed quadrics based on the parametric representation of the intersection curves of two quadrics. The proposed algorithm guarantees correct topology and ensures that the approximation errors of the end points of the intersection curve segments are less than a given tolerance. The error control is based on an effective solution to a set of polynomial inequality system using the root isolation technique. Some examples are presented to validate the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
  • MA Guangsheng, LI Hongbo
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 2240-2261.
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    Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) can be used for privacy-preserving aggregation of medical data. In this typical application, the security against passive attacks has been well studied by Li and Micciancio (2021). In this paper, the authors further consider a "nearly passive" kind of attack, where the attacker may behave like a passive attacker in the view of the third-party server. To capture the security against this hard-to-detect attack, the authors propose a new notion of IND-CPA$^{rD}$ security. The authors show that the standard LWE encryption and its related FHE schemes can not defend against IND-CPA$^{rD}$ attack, even under a stricter rule limiting the content and number of queries made by the attacker. To make the application of FHE schemes more secure, the authors discuss some possible modifications that may serve as countermeasures to IND-CPA$^{rD}$ attack.
  • SUN Minghao, WANG Shixiong, CHEN Hao, QU Longjiang
    Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2024, 37(5): 2262-2292.
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    Random sampling algorithm was proposed firstly by Schnorr in 2003 to find short lattice vectors, as an alternative to enumeration. The follow-up developments in random sampling were mainly proposed by Fukase and Kashiwabara in 2015 and Aono and Nguyen in 2017. Although they extended the sampling space compared to Schnorr's work through the natural number representation, they did not show how to sample specifically in practice and what vectors should be sampled, in order to find short enough lattice vectors. In this paper, the authors firstly introduce a practical random sampling algorithm under some reasonable assumptions which can find short enough lattice vectors efficiently. Then, as an application of this new random sampling algorithm, the authors show that it can improve the performance of progressive BKZ algorithm in practice. Finally, the authors solve the Darmstadt's Lattice Challenge and get a series of new records in the dimension from 500 to 825, using the improved progressive BKZ algorithm.